
Link'd up

Okay, folks.  The Twitter follow-me button is ready to roll again.  I think.  And I even know what I did wrong. 

Next question -- when I update my blog or store, does it show up on your Twitter?  'Cause it's not showing up for me.  Of course, Tweetdeck has stopped opening on my computer and has made it clear that it hates me.  I think we may break up. So, help a girl out - am I tweeting out there?!

It's freezing in here.  If only I had some manner of warm bag of...rice, or something.  *brrr* ;)

1 comment:

agoodwitchtoo said...

I usually have my Tweetdeck open but I think I've become to accustom to that lovely black box poppin' up... because I generally ignore it :)

I'll try to keep an eye out though!